Lab One (1) - sh (shell) scripts and awk scripts

SHELL see man bash NAME sh - also called Bourne shell, is a Unix command shell written by Stephen Bourne and distributed in 1978 bash - is a version of the Bourne shell distributed around 1987. Its name is derived from the acronym of Bourne Again SHell. Since bash is a superset of sh, in Linux, it is the same as bash. SYNOPSIS bash [options] [file] DESCRIPTION Bash is an sh-compatible command language interpreter that executes commands read from the standard input or from a file. Although Bash incorporates useful features from the Korn and C shells (ksh and csh), it should be distinguished from them. Bourne, Bash, and sh form one family or style of shell, whereas csh and tcsh should be considered a a different family. Nevertheless, Bash is intended to be a conformant implementation of the IEEE POSIX Shell and Tools specification (IEEE Working Group 1003.2). Read the man for more details. Here are some sample bash (sh) programs. First I list each program's content, then I run the program and show the output. prompt#>cat shell1 #!/bin/bash for i in a b c; do echo $i #refer to variable i as $i done prompt#>shell1 a b c prompt#>cat shell2 #!/bin/bash for i in `ls klum`; do #klum is a directory with 3 files in it, klum1, echo $i # klum2, klum3 done prompt#>shell2 klum1 klum2 klum3 prompt#>cat shell3 #!/bin/bash for i in `ls klum`; do echo nothing$i #string "nothing" done prompt#>shell3 nothingklum1 nothingklum2 nothingklum3 prompt#>cat shell4 #!/bin/bash a=nothing for i in `ls klum`; do echo $a$i done prompt#>shell4 nothingklum1 nothingklum2 nothingklum3 SEE "man test" for if tests prompt#>cat shell5 #!/bin/bash for i in `ls klum`; do if [ $i != klum1 ]; then echo $i fi done prompt#>shell5 klum2 klum3 prompt#>cat shell6 #!/bin/bash for i in `ls klum`; do if [ -r klum/$i ]; then #if readable echo $i fi done prompt#>shell6 klum2 prompt#>cat shell7 #!/bin/bash for i in `ls klum`; do if [ ! -r klum/$i ]; then #if not readable echo $i fi done prompt#>shell7 klum1 klum3 prompt#>cat shell8 #!/bin/bash for i in `ls`; do if [ -d $i ]; then echo $i fi done prompt#>shell8 klum klum6 prompt#>cat shell9 #!/bin/bash for i in `ls klum`; do if [ $i = klum1 -o $i = klum2 ]; then echo $i else echo abc$i fi done See this explanation of special bash new test [[ prompt#>shell9 klum1 klum2 abcklum3 prompt#>cat shell10 #!/bin/bash for i in `ls klum`; do case $i in klum1) echo aa$i ;; klum2) echo bb$i ;; *) echo cc$i ;; esac done prompt#>shell10 aaklum1 bbklum2 ccklum3 prompt#>cat shell11 #!/bin/bash i=0 while [ $i -lt 5 ]; do #less than echo $i i=`expr $i + 1` #i++ done prompt#>shell11 0 1 2 3 4 prompt#>cat shell12 #!/bin/bash func() { echo abc } func #function call to "func" prompt#>shell12 abc ------------------------------------------------------- The following is from man test. These expressions are all the options for inside the [ ] NOTE: "[" is a link to the command "test", therefore there must be whitespace before and after the "[". NAME test - check file types and compare values SYNOPSIS test EXPRESSION [ EXPRESSION ] test OPTION DESCRIPTION Exit with the status determined by EXPRESSION. --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit EXPRESSION is true or false and sets exit status. It is one of: ( EXPRESSION ) EXPRESSION is true ! EXPRESSION EXPRESSION is false EXPRESSION1 -a EXPRESSION2 both EXPRESSION1 and EXPRESSION2 are true EXPRESSION1 -o EXPRESSION2 either EXPRESSION1 or EXPRESSION2 is true [nz] STRING the length of STRING is nonzero -z STRING the length of STRING is zero STRING1 = STRING2 the strings are equal STRING1 != STRING2 the strings are not equal INTEGER1 -eq INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is equal to INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -ge INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is greater than or equal to INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -gt INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is greater than INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -le INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is less than or equal to INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -lt INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is less than INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -ne INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is not equal to INTEGER2 FILE1 -ef FILE2 FILE1 and FILE2 have the same device and inode numbers FILE1 -nt FILE2 FILE1 is newer (modification date) than FILE2 FILE1 -ot FILE2 FILE1 is older than FILE2 -d FILE FILE exists and is a directory -e FILE FILE exists -f FILE FILE exists and is a regular file -r FILE FILE exists and is readable -s FILE FILE exists and has a size greater than zero -S FILE FILE exists and is a socket -w FILE FILE exists and is writable -x FILE FILE exists and is executable etc. prompt#>cat shell13 #!/bin/bash i=0 while [ $i -lt 5 ]; do i=`expr $i + 1` if [ $i -eq 3 ]; then #numerical equals continue else echo $i fi done prompt#>shell13 1 2 4 5 prompt#>cat shell14 #!/bin/bash i=0 while [ $i -lt 5 ]; do i=`expr $i + 1` if [ $i -eq 3 ]; then break else echo $i fi done prompt#>shell14 1 2 prompt#>cat shell15 #!/bin/bash i=0 while [ $i -lt 5 ]; do i=`expr $i + 1` if [ $i -eq 3 ]; then exit else echo $i fi done prompt#>shell15 1 2 ------------------------------------------- Here is an example to demonstrate calling a program (in this case a perl program) from within shell. Here is the program file. prompt#> cat #!/usr/bin/perl -w # print crypt($ARGV[0],"salt") Here I call the program from my home directory. prompt#> cat shell16 #!/bin/bash passwd=hello crypted_passwd=`~danzig/ ${passwd}` #run the program "" echo ${crypted_passwd} prompt#>shell16 saPPmoXIbs91M -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using shell variables. prompt#>cat var1 #!/bin/bash x=ab y=${x}cd echo $y prompt#>var1 abcd This will display the pid, number of arguments, the first argument, the 0th argument, all the arguments except the 0th. prompt#>cat var2 #!/bin/bash echo $$ $# $1 $0 $* prompt#>var2 a b c 12702 3 a var2 a b c prompt#>cat var3 #!/bin/bash echo $x echo ${x:-a} #if x is not defined, then a echo $x echo ${x:=a} echo $x echo ${x:+b} #if x is defined, then b x= echo ${x:+b} prompt#>var3 a a a b prompt#>cat var4 #!/bin/bash echo $HOME echo $PATH echo $MAIL prompt#>var4 /u/staff/danzig /usr/local/bin:/usr/hosts:/u/staff/danzig/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/usr/5bin:/usr/etc:. /usr/spool/mail/danzig prompt#>cat var5 #!/bin/bash while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do #make sure not zero arguments /usr/bin/echo -n "$# " # echo the current number of arguments # -n do not output the trailing newline echo $1 # echo the current 1st argument shift # shift off one argument done prompt#>var5 a b c 3 a 2 b 1 c ----------------------------------------------- Redirection prompt#>cat red1 #!/bin/bash echo abc > red.out #create a file called red.out cat red.out prompt#>red1 abc prompt#>cat red2 #!/bin/bash echo abc >> red.out #append to a file called red.out cat red.out prompt#>red2 abc abc prompt#>cat red3 #!/bin/bash cat < red.out #redirect red.out into `cat` prompt#>red3 abc abc prompt#>cat red4 #!/bin/bash cat abc > red.out #there is no file abc!! prompt#>red4 cat: abc: No such file or directory prompt#>cat red.out #red.out got over-written with nothing! prompt#>cat red5 #!/bin/bash cat abc 2>&1 | cat > red.out #redirect stderr to stdout, pipe it into red.out prompt#>red5 prompt#>cat red.out cat: abc: No such file or directory #our error message ---------------------------------------------------------------- A shell script to add a line to an already existing file. % cat ./example1 #!/bin/bash ##DIR=/usr/u/jctstaff/danzig/unix_programming/lab5 DIR=${DIR:-/usr/u/jctstaff/danzig/unix_programming/lab5} echo ${DIR} # no spaces allowed!! FILE=${DIR}/temp echo "This was an empty file" >>${FILE} % touch temp % cat temp % ./example1 /usr/u/jctstaff/danzig/unix_programming/lab5 % cat temp This was an empty file ---------------------------------------------------------------- A shell script which demonstrates parsing a command line for flags in any order using the shift command. %cat myshell00 #!/bin/bash if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then #echo will now send to stderr instead of stdout #use >& instead of > to indicate 1 and 2 are not variables echo 1>&2 "Takes at least 2 arguments" exit 1 elif [ `/usr/ucb/whoami` != danzig ]; then echo "must run this as danzig" exit 1 fi while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do case "$1" in -p) echo $2 shift 2 ;; -pp) echo hello $2 shift 2 ;; *) exit 1 esac done zevach:~/unix_programming/lab5 % ./myshell00 Takes at least 2 arguments zevach:~/unix_programming/lab5 % ./myshell00 -p Takes at least 2 arguments zevach:~/unix_programming/lab5 % ./myshell00 -p fkg must run this as danzig zevach:~/unix_programming/lab5 % su danzig zevach:~/unix_programming/lab5 % ./myshell00 -p mary mary zevach:~/unix_programming/lab5 % ./myshell00 -pp mary hello mary zevach:~/unix_programming/lab5 % ./myshell00 -p help -pp mary help hello mary zevach:~/unix_programming/lab5 % ./myshell00 -pp mary -p help hello mary help zevach:~/unix_programming/lab5 % ./myshell00 -x xx zevach:~/unix_programming/lab5 % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AWK NAME awk - pattern scanning and processing language SYNOPSIS /usr/bin/awk [-f progfile] [-F c] [ ' prog '] [parameters] [filename...] /usr/xpg4/bin/awk [-F ERE] [-v assignment...] 'program' -f progfile... [argument...] DESCRIPTION The /usr/xpg4/bin/awk utility is described on the nawk(1) manual page. The /usr/bin/awk utility scans each input filename for lines that match any of a set of patterns specified in prog. The prog string must be enclosed in single quotes ( ') to pro- tect it from the shell. For each pattern in prog there may be an associated action performed when a line of a filename matches the pattern. The set of pattern-action statements may appear literally as prog or in a file specified with the -f progfile option. Input files are read in order; if there are no files, the standard input is read. The file name '-' means the standard input. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -Fc Uses the character c as the field separator (FS) char- acter. See the discussion of FS below. Input Lines Each input line is matched against the pattern portion of every pattern-action statement; the associated action is performed for each matched pattern. Any filename of the form var=value is treated as an assignment, not a filename, and is executed at the time it would have been opened if it were a filename. Variables assigned in this manner are not avail- able inside a BEGIN rule, and are assigned after previously specified files have been read. An input line is normally made up of fields separated by white spaces. (This default can be changed by using the FS built-in variable or the -Fc option.) The default is to ignore leading blanks and to separate fields by blanks and/or tab characters. However, if FS is assigned a value that does not include any of the white spaces, then leading blanks are not ignored. The fields are denoted $1, $2, ...; $0 refers to the entire line. Pattern-action Statements A pattern-action statement has the form: pattern { action } Either pattern or action may be omitted. If there is no action, the matching line is printed. If there is no pat- tern, the action is performed on every input line. Pattern- action statements are separated by newlines or semicolons. Patterns are arbitrary Boolean combinations ( !, ||, &&, and parentheses) of relational expressions and regular expres- sions. NF number of fields in the current record NR ordinal number of the current record prompt#>cat pw root:auwiXbDxWxUOQ:0:1:System:/:/bin/tcsh danzig:Wp1fDXXXueqo:97:100:Nachum Danzig:/u/staff/danzig:/bin/tcsh charlie:pHPjDyQjZZZ9A:100:101:Charlie Brown:/u/staff/charlie:/bin/tcsh sally:WsaBZtMsglNj2:112:101:Sally Klien:/u/staff/sally:/bin/tcsh snoopy:p08ZXZXOKYz6:139:101:Snoopy Brown:/u/staff/snoopy:/bin/tcsh linus:NZZbbnxQvbc.:254:101:Linus Smith :/u/staff/linus:/bin/tcsh prompt#>cat awk1 #!/bin/awk -f BEGIN{ FS=":" } { print $3 } prompt#>awk1 < pw 0 97 100 112 139 254 prompt#>cat awk2 #!/bin/awk -f { FS=":" if ( $3 == 97 ) print $5 } prompt#>awk2 < pw Nachum Danzig prompt#>cat awk3 #!/bin/awk -f { FS=":" if ( $3 == 97 ) for ( i=0 ; i<2 ; i++ ) print $5 i } prompt#>awk3 < pw Nachum Danzig0 Nachum Danzig1 prompt#>cat awk5 #!/bin/awk -f { FS=":" if ( $3 == 97 ) { i=0 while ( i<2 ) { printf "%s %d\n" , $5 , i i++ } } } prompt#>awk5 < pw Nachum Danzig 0 Nachum Danzig 1 ----------------------------------------- AWK on the command line prompt#>awk '{ FS=":" ; print $3 }' pw 0 97 100 112 139 254 prompt#>awk -F: '{ print $3 }' pw 0 97 100 112 139 254 ----if 3rd field is greater than 100, print it. prompt#>awk -F: '$3 > 100 { print $3 }' pw 112 139 254 prompt#>cat pw root:auwiXbDxWxUOQ:0:1:System:/:/bin/tcsh danzig:Wp1fDXXXueqo:97:100:Nachum Danzig:/u/staff/danzig:/bin/tcsh charlie:pHPjDyQjZZZ9A:100:101:Charlie Brown:/u/staff/charlie:/bin/tcsh sally:WsaBZtMsglNj2:112:101:Sally Klien:/u/staff/sally:/bin/tcsh snoopy:p08ZXZXOKYz6:139:101:Snoopy Brown:/u/staff/snoopy:/bin/tcsh linus:NZZbbnxQvbc.:254:101:Linus Smith :/u/staff/linus:/bin/tcsh The ~ means contains, !~ means does not contain. This awk command will print the 3rd field of all lines NOT containing the string "Charlie". prompt#>awk -F: '$5 !~ "Charlie" { print $3 }' pw 0 97 112 139 254 The commands inside the { } immediately following BEGIN will only occur once, and not for each line in the file. prompt#>awk 'BEGIN { FS=":" } $5 !~ "Brown" { print $3 }' pw 0 97 112 254 Similar to BEGIN, END signifies commands which occur only once, at the end of the program. This awk command will find the average of the uid's. prompt#>awk -F: 'BEGIN { s=0 } { s+=$3 } END { print s/NR }' pw 117 ------print the last field prompt#>awk -F: '{ print $NF }' pw /bin/tcsh /bin/tcsh /bin/tcsh /bin/tcsh /bin/tcsh /bin/tcsh -----print the length of the 5th field prompt#>awk -F: '{ print length($5) }' pw 6 13 16 11 12 12 -starts with dan , print 3rd field prompt#>awk -F: '/^dan/ { print $3 }' pw 97 ------------------------------------- Grep - extract lines containing expressions from files. prompt#>grep danz pw danzig:Wp1fAXXXeqo:97:100:Nachum Danzig:/u/staff/danzig:/bin/tcsh ----case insensitive prompt#>grep -i brown pw charlie:pHPjDyQjZZZ9A:100:Charlie Brown:/u/staff/charlie:/bin/tcsh -----not containing staff prompt#>grep -v staff pw root:auwiXbD1wUUOQ:0:1:System:/:/bin/tcsh -----count of lines with 100 in them prompt#>grep -c 100 pw 2 prompt#>grep -vc 100 pw 4 -------with line numbers prompt#>grep -n 100 pw 2:danzig:Wp1fAwkvjueqo:97:100:Nachum Danzig:/u/staff/danzig:/bin/tcsh 3:charlie:pHPjDyQjZZZ9A:100:Charlie Brown:/u/staff/charlie:/bin/tcsh prompt#>grep -v staff pw | awk -F: '{ print $3 }' 0 egrep is better at handling regular expressions You want to search using a fancy expression. For example parenthesis () can be used to indicate groups with | used as an OR operator. You could run this search using -E (equivalent to egrep): grep -E '^no(fork|group)' /etc/group return lines that start with either "nofork" or "nogroup". Without the -E switch you would have to escape the special characters involved because with normal pattern matching they would just search for that exact pattern; grep '^no\(fork\|group\)' /etc/group more examples danzig@linapp-1:~/klum$ grep "b[^io]{2,}g" stamfile danzig@linapp-1:~/klum$ grep "b[io]{1,}g" stamfile danzig@linapp-1:~/klum$ egrep "b[io]{1,}g" stamfile big bog danzig@linapp-1:~/klum$ egrep "b[^io]{1,}g" stamfile bag baag danzig@linapp-1:~/klum$ egrep "b[^io]{2,}g" stamfile baag danzig@linapp-1:~/klum$ egrep "b[^io]{2,}g" stamfile ------------------------------------------------------------- Some helpful examples: A file named pw % cat pw first:fa:fb second:sa:sb A program to read-in the file to a variable and print it out line by line % cat ./shell.awk #!/bin/bash string=`cat ./pw` for i in $string; do echo $i done % ./shell.awk first:fa:fb second:sa:sb An awk file to see if 1st (not 0th) element in a line equals "variable" % cat awk1 #!/bin/awk -f BEGIN{ FS=":" variable="fa" } { if (variable == $2) {print $3} } % ./awk1 < pw fb A shell script which captures the result of sending a file through the awk script % cat ./shell.awk2 #!/bin/bash string=`./awk1 <pw` echo $string % ./shell.awk2 fb A shell script which declares an array and then traverses it to print out its 3rd element % cat ./shell.awk3 #!/bin/bash string="mary sally fred martha" count=0 for i in $string; do count=`expr $count + 1` if [ $count -eq 3 ]; then echo $i fi done % ./shell.awk3 fred For "sed" see

For "AWK" see

For "find" see

See also

see also

See for "cut"

Exercise Ex. A Write a bash shell script which reads a file containing user names and creates home directories for the users (in a directory "home" in your home directory) according to their names. If any name appears more than one, change one name so each name is unique. If the name is longer than 8 letters, truncate it. It should also create the appropriate password file entry in a file called passwd (also in your home directory). The program should take one parameter, the file name. Only you should be able to run this program, use environment variables to make sure who is running the program. Ex. B Write a shell script which adds users to the password file. Make your own password file. The script should make sure that the new account being made does not already exist. It should check what is the next free uid and assign it to the new account. If a password is not supplied in the command line, then take one from an internal array. Encrypt the password by using shell16 above. Also, handle errors, e.g. make sure only you can run the program. Usage should be like this: adduser [-p password] account_name or also adduser account_name [-p password] where the [-p password] is an option.
© Nachum Danzig 17 Dec 2002