UNIX Lab 2008
You will need to work on UNIX/Linux machine, therefore you can ssh login to linapp.jct.ac.il
or linapp2.jct.ac.il from any Windows machine. Download and use putty.
Use the C programming language, not C++ (and, of course, compile with gcc, not g++).
Also remember: files written in C are saved with .c ending (if you
were allowed to write in C++ then you would end those programs with .cpp).
- Examples and assignment for lab one . - shell, awk, etc.
- Examples with sed .
- Examples and assignment for lab two . - fork()
- Examples and assignment for lab three . - open, close, pipe, dup2
- Examples and assignment for lab four . - signals
- Examples and assignment for lab five . - semaphore, shared memory
- Examples and assignment for lab six . - socket(), select()
- Examples of pthread .
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