Table of Contents
TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview
DCE consists of the following components:
- DCE Threads: supports multithreading within a single process.
- DCE RPC: consists of both a development tool and a runtime library.
When using its compatibility features, DCE RPC is compatible with the NCS
Version 1.5.1. However, future enhancements to DCE RPC will cause their
- DCE Directory Service: provides a central repository for information
about resources in the distributed environment.
- DCE Distributed Time Service (DTS): makes sure the clocks in the
distributed systems are synchronized.
- DCE Security Service: provides the security functions based on the
M.I.T. Kerberos Version 5.
- DCE Distributed File Service (DFS): provides an advanced file system
based on the Andrew File System (AFS, a distributed file system originally
developed by IBM and Carnegie-Mellon University, now marketed by Transarc
- DCE Diskless Support Service: allows a diskless system to operate in
a DCE environment.
The current DCE is at Version 1.1 which was released to developers in
November 1994. Among the new features provided are:
- Enhanced administrator functions: These include a common user interface
across all DCE components allowing remote startup, administration and shutdown
of DCE services. Also included are enhanced diagnostic messages that will
assist the troubleshooter in the heterogeneous networks in which DCE is
- Improved security: Systems that are not based on RPC are now able to use
DCE security. In addition, auditing procedures, password and
pre-authentication functions have been improved.
- National language support: DCE messages can be presented in the local
language and RPC applications can be set up to convert data to the local
- Performance improvements: The Interface Definition Language (IDL) now
produces more efficient and streamlined code. RPC has also been enhanced and
- NFS/DFS gateway: Allows NFS access through the gateway to DFS.
Version 1.2 is scheduled to start testing in the summer of 1995. It is
expected to include new administrative and interoperability features as well as
the addition of scalability and network management functions.
For more details, please refer to the OSF publications listed in
Table of Contents