Summary of Socket Functions


  2. DATA


09 Sivan 5761 (31/05/2001)
Ntohs, etc.: fixed misspelling of one of the functions, and added some more notes.
29 Shvat 5761 (22/02/2001)
Start editing for this school year:
  1. Added functions inet_aton, inet_pton, etc.
  2. Added links back to table of contents.
  3. Added footnotes section.
  4. Added horizontal lines between main sections.
02 Kislev 5760 (11/11/1999)
Added getsockopt and setsockopt.
02 Kislev 5760 (11/11/1999)
Added getsockopt and setsockopt.
30 Cheshvan 5760 (09/11/1999)
Corrected 'INADR_ANY' to 'INADDR_ANY'.
18 Cheshvan 5760 (28/10/1999)
  1. More information about using the 'man' command.
  2. Expanded explanation of several the data def_protocol and INADR_ANY.
  3. Expanded explanation of several functions, explaining the differences in using it for TCP and for UDP. Also added a few programming examples (sometimes in pseudocode).
09 Cheshvan 5760 (19/10/1999)
Added note in introduction about the ease of programming UPD versus the ease of programming TCP.



This document describes many of the functions used with sockets. Some are functions that are only for sockets; others are more general functions, but have important uses for sockets.

The purpose of this document is to learn the functions, what they do, and what sort of data they deal with. However, the code needed to implement them is often verbose, which can hinder a basic understanding [1]. Therefore, we:

For more details on these functions, see the appropriate man(1) pages. 'man' is short for 'manual'. The '(1)' means section 1 of the manual. You can view man pages via one of the following ways:

General notes:

  1. In this document, "&" indicates a parameter that is modified by the function. This is similar to its meaning in C.

  2. It might seem from this document that UDP is easier to program than TCP, because less function calls are required. For examples, see read/recv, shutdown, and listen. That is true, however, only if you ignore the reliability issure. Otherwise, if you use UDP, you'll have to program in reliability yourself, and this can be more complex that the extra function calls needed for TCP.

  3. References to TCP/IP or the internet are to version 4 of TCP/IP, unless stated otherwise. Version 4 is the version currently in widespread use. Version 6, also called 'next generation', is already being implemented, but it is not nearly as common. This lab deals only with version 4.



Here are some terms we will commonly use to describe the data. Normally, words in all caps specify constants you actually write in the C code.

address family, also called a domain. An address family is a domain of possible addresses. The most frequently used values are:

UNIX domain. The address is a UNIX file pathname. This domain is used only between processes running on the same host.
internet domain, for communicating between processes on different hosts. An address actually consists of the triple ( ip_address, transport_protocol, port_number). However, normally you specify only the ip_address & port_number. The transport_protocol is indicated in other ways (I think, whether or not you call 'connect').

Note that the address family constants are often used where the protocol family contstants are supposed to be used. This will work on many systems, but we will consider it wrong in this lab [2].

bytes_read, bytes_written
gets value returned by the read/recv functions. Set to number of bytes actuallyt read, or to -1 if an error.
also called the style of communications

there is a connection, which is reliable, error-free, & (as in pipes) no message boundaries are kept. I believe that specifying this type in the internet address family will cause it to use TCP.
datagram. No connection. Each message addressed individually. Not guaranteed to be reliable. Usually used when a response is required; if timeout waiting for a response, assume the original message was NOT received. In the internet address family, I think this will cause it to use UDP.
a low-level type of communications not normally used by the average user.

default transport protocol. A value meaning that the system should assign the default protocol. See the socket function. In C code, this value is 0. However, I recommend defining some constant with a meaningful name and using that. For example:
. . .

Note that in TCP/IP, there is only one transport protcol (TCP or UDP) for each communication type (see comm_type), so this is the value you normally specify for the protocol parameter of the socket function.

a special value of IP addresses that means any of the IP addresses for the host. Remember, a host has a separate IP address for each network interface that it has. So if you want to be able to accept packets on any of your host's network interfaces, you need to specify this as your host's address. If you want to accept packets only on one of your host's network interfaces, then specify the IP address of that interface.

Normally you specify this as your host's IP address, even if your host has only one network interface.

This value, or your host's IP address, is normally used as part of the socket name (or socket address).

which family of protocols to use. The most frequently used values are:

UNIX domain. The UNIX family of protocols. Useful only if both processes are running on the same host.
THe internet family of protocols, e.g. TCP and UDP. Use this if the processes are running on different hosts.

Note that sometimes address family constants are used where the protocol family contstants are supposed to be used. This will work on many systems, but it is wrong, and might cause you problems in the future.

socket descriptor. This is basically a file descriptor that is associated with a socket. Thus, you can use it with almost any route that deals with files (e.g., read, write, close).
socket name. In AF_UNIX, this is a UNIX path name. In AF_INET, this is an IP address & IP port number.
length of an sname. Usually, when this is an argument to a function, then it is set to the maximum length of the sname BEFORE the call. After the call, it will be set by the function to the actual length of the name.
undefined port. The system will assign an unused port to the socket. (In C code, this is 0).



sd = socket ( proto_fam,   comm_type,   protocol )

creates the socket. For sockets, you use this instead of the open function. Unlike open, you do not specify the name of the socket. You can call the bind function to do that. However, there will be times when you do not need to specify a name.

For the protocol, you usually specify the 'def_protocol' value to have the system assign the protocol.

Note that in this call, you should use the protocol family constants instead of the address family constants.

status = socketpair ( proto_fam,   comm_type,   &sd_pair )

This is only for the PF_UNIX address family, so it will not be used in the TCP/IP lab.

This function returns a pair of unnamed sockets in sd_pair. This is designed to be an extension of pipes, in that it allows 2-way communication. It is designed for communiction between parent and child processes.

Note that in this call, you should use the protocol family constants instead of the address family constants.

status = close (sd)

The same 'close' function that is used for files. As with files, sockets should be closed.

TCP: In addition, you might need to use the shutdown function.

status = shutdown ( sd,   direction )

Generally, this is sometimes used for TCP, and almost never for UDP. I'm not an expert in when exactly you need this and when you don't. To be safe, I usually add it to my TCP code. Below is information based on my best understanding of what I have read.

TCP: Stops communication in one/both directions, and informs the process you are connected with. 'direction' can specify one ofthe following:

UDP: stops communication on the socket, but does not inform the process(es) you are communicating with.

status = unlink (socket_name)

Thisis only for the AF_UNIX address family, so it will not be used in the TCP/IP lab.

In the AF_UNIX address family, if you specify a name for the socket, an actual file is created. In addition to closing the socket, you must also delete it via the unlink function (or the rm command).



status = bind ( sd,   sname,   sname_len )

binds a name to a socket. For AF_INET, name consists of IP adress & IP port. The IP address is usually specified as INADDR_ANY, which means any of the host's IP address. If the port is set to undef_port, then the system will assign an unused IP port to the socket.

Actually, in the internet, the protocol is also part of the identification, but that was set in the socket function.

This is normally called only by servers. In clients, binding occurs automatically the first time you call one of the write/send or connect functions.

For AF_UNIX, you specify a UNIX path name. This will create an actual file (of a special type).

status = getsockname ( sd,   &sname,   &sname_len )

Sometimes you did not set the name of the socket, for example:

This function will return the name of the socket.

status = getpeername ( sd,   &sname,   &sname_len )

TCP: Gets the name of the peer, that is the socket you are connected to. See the section on connections. Usually you run this after executing the accept function. This function will return the name of the socket.

UDP: For connectionless communication, you can get the name of the remote socket via the recvfrom or recvmsg functions.



TCP: when calling write/send to send a packet, the caller will pass a certain amount. However, TCP might break that data up into more than one packet. That means that the read/recv function at the other end might return before reading all of the data. Thus, you'll have to repeatedly call that read/recv function until you get all the data. Here is one way (in pseudocode):
	clear buffer 'save_buffer'
	bytes_read = read (sd, buf, max_bytes)
	while ( bytes_read > 0 )
		append contents of buf to save_buffer
		bytes_read = read (sd, buf, max_bytes)
UDP: the data the caller specifies is sent in one packet. Thus, you need to call read/recv only once for each packet. However, if the packet is bigger than the read/recv call is willing to take, I believe that the excess data is discarded.

bytes_read = read ( sd,   &buf,   max_bytes )

the normal read function. A maximum of max_bytes is read into buf. bytes_read is set to the actual number of bytes read, or to -1 if there was an error.
bytes_read = readv ( sd,   &buf_set,   num_bufs )
like read, but reads into a set of buffers. num_bufs = how many buffers there are.
bytes_read = recv ( sd,   &buf,   max_bytes,   flags )
Like 'read', with the addtion of flags. Flags can contain one or more of the following:
read out of band data
peek at the data on the socket. But the data will remain around, so the next 'recv' will also get it.
bytes_read = recvfrom ( sd,   &buf,   max_bytes,   flags,   &sender_sname,   &sender_sname_len )
Like recv, but also get the name of the sender. the sender's name.
bytes_read = recvmsg ( sd,   &msg_header,   flags )
msg_header is a special structure that contains the set of buffers to write to, a buffer to get the access rights, plus (optionally) the name of the socket to send to.

Another way to get the name of the remote socket is via the getpeername function.



These functions can be understood by looking at their parallel read/recv functions above.

bytes_written = write ( sd,   buf,   buflen )

bytes_written = writev ( sd,   buf_set,   num_bufs )

bytes_written = send ( sd,   buf,   buflen,   flags )

flags can be one or more of the following:
send out of band data
usually used only by diagnostic or routing programs.
bytes_written = sendto ( sd,   buf,   buflen,   flags,   recv_sname,   recv_sname_len )

bytes_written = sendmsg ( sd,   msg_header,   flags )



These functions are normally used in TCP, but not UPD.

status = listen ( sd,   queue_max )

Before a socket can accept connections, you must call this to set up the queue of waiting connections.

queue_max specifies the maximum length of the queue. Once, it could not be more than 5, but some systems now have a much higher maximum. What happens if you specify a value larger than the system can handle? On Linux and SunOS, the system maximum is used; no error status is returned. On Solaris, there is no system maximum.

status = connect ( sd,   other_sname,   other_sname_len )

TCP: Starts a connection between socket sd and another socket, other_sock_name. A socket is normally connected only once. This call starts a connection.

UDP: this does not really start a connection, since UDP is connectionless, but it can be used to set the sending address. Thus, after calling this, you can use the write or send functions instead of the sendto function. You might call this several times to change the association. Then you can disconnect by calling this, but specifying an invalid socket name.

status = accept ( sd,   &from_sname,   &from_sname_len)

socket sd must have been bound to a name, and you must have already run 'listen' on it. This function extracts the first waiting connection on the queue. from_sname is the name of the socket that was accepted.

After this returns, you can get the name of the remote socket via the getpeername function.

shutdown: see above.



host_struct = gethostbyname (hostname)

Given the host name, get the IP address. Actually, host_struct might contain more than one valid name and IP address for the specified host. We will not go into details of this structure here.

host_struct = gethostbyaddr (address,   address_length,   addr_fam)

Given an IP address, get the host name. Actually, host_struct might contain more than one valid name and IP address for the specified host. We will not go into details of this structure here.

status = gethostname ( hostname,   hostname_len)

get the name of the current host.



A 'service' means the type of network service we want. Examples include World Wide Web, telnet, FTP, and daytime. Standard services are associated 'well known' ports. These functions deal with converting service names or port numbers in text string to the binary format needed by the socket functions.

service_struct = getservbyname (service_name, transport_protocol)

Given the names of a service and a transport protocol (UDP or TCP), get the port number, which will be part of service_struct. We will not go into details of this structure here.

service_struct = getservbyport (port_number, transport_protocol)

Like getservbyname above, but you pass it a binary port number instead of the name of a service.



  1. Byte Order Conversions: Different types of computers can store data in different ways. A common data format was decided upon for communication between hosts via TCP/IP. These routines convert data from the host format to the network format, or vice-versa. We will not go into the details of the data conversion here. We merely list them so that you know that they exist.

    'long' here means 4 bytes, and 'short' means 2 bytes.

    Note the pattern of the function names. For example:
    ntohs   =   n   to   h   s   =   network to host, short

    htonl host to network long
    htons host to network short
    ntohl network to host long
    ntohs network to host short

  2. IP Address Conversion:

    1. TCP/IP version 4:
      • inet_aton: ASCII to number (string to binary)
      • inet_ntoa: number to ASCII (binary to string)
      • inet_addr: like inet_aton, but deprecated [3].

    2. TCP/IP versions 4 and 6:
      • inet_pton: presentation to numeric (string to binary)
      • inet_ntop: numeric to presentation (binary to string)



You can set several socket options and get their current values. I will not list all of the different options here. See the man pages for these functions for more details.

status = getsockopt ( sd,   protocol_level,   socket_option,   "value,   "value_length )

The protocol_level specifies to which level the option is relevant. Examples are the general socket level, the IP level, and the TCP level.

The socket_option is the specific option we are interested in.

The value is the data we store the option's value in. The value_length is the length of that data structure. The type of the data depends on the option.

status = setsockopt ( sd,   protocol_level,   socket_option,   value,   value_length )

Like getsockopt above, but we set the value of the option.



1 One reason is that the socket interface is designed not only for normal TCP/IP [version 4], but also the next generation of TCP/IP [version 6], 'UNIX' sockets [pipes], Novell IPX, and many others. In Linux, see /usr/include/bits/socket.h for the different protocol families defined for sockets.
2 In his book, UNIX Network Programming, 2nd Edition, section 4.2, W. Richard Stevens argues that, for TCP/IP at least, there is no need to distinguish between address and protocol families. However, in this lab, we require that you do.
3 deprecated means that its use is discouraged.


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