Comparison Between Egyptian Mythology and Jewish

Thoughts on returning from Egypt 2003

    other observations :

  1. The emphasis on resurrection [after all, the sun reappears, why not man ? ] - P.D.
  2. The multicolored short kilted garment with various marks of rank resembles priestly clothing and tzitzit. - P.D.
  3. The Jewish (Babylonian) prohibition against incest seems in stark contrast to Egyptian customs. - P.D.
  4. The procession through doors [pylons]; through a court; into an inner place visited only by the High Priest reminds one of the tabernacle: of the Temple. - P.D.
  5. The explosive use of hieroglyphics [most of which are naturalistic images], covering everything in sight, is countervailed by the Biblical proscription of images [very. UN-Egyptian]. - P.D.
  6. Interestingly, the "monotheist" sun-worshiping pharaoh encouraged naturalistic hieroglyphics while at the same time discouraged mythic hieroglyphics. This was obviously in order to eliminate or at least diminish the belief in the various gods of these myths. Out of sight, out of mind. After all, all the stories of other gods contradict his notion of one god. His son god was an effort to take power from the various high priests and take sole authority. The Bible seems to even more strictly prohibit image creation, perhaps for the same reason, to remove any lingering belief in false mythology, to encourage belief in the Torah G-d, and to unite the people.
  7. The Egyptians practiced circumcision (and still do today in Egypt, but at birth, not at 13).
  8. Preservation of corpse contrasts with our preference for disintegration. - P.D.
  9. There were Jewish customs to be buried with lye to speed the decay process.
  10. The Jewish belief in resurrection closely resembles the Egyptian one.
  11. King Tut's head-mask is gold and blue. Torah speaks of decorating tabernacle with gold and lapis [blue]. - P.D.
  12. In general, the priests wore the same colors as required in Biblical law.
  13. The ancient Egyptians believed in Kai, the force of life that the recently popular interior design theory fung-shway is based on. They had coffins the inside panels of which were painted with doors and windows for the Kai to go out. Perhaps all the false doors that were put in tombs were not just to fool robbers but were to let life forces flow in and out, to help give life to the dead. Also, the real tomb was often behind such a false door. Perhaps the dead man could walk through these carved doors just as the Kai could pass through them. In a sense, the door was a special door which kept the living out, but let the dead through. Modern fung-shway is based on this idolotrous practice.

See for a good explanation of Egyptian Mythology.

© Nachum Danzig