Subjects to know for exam in MIPS

For the final exam, know these pages from book, 3rd edition revised. * indicates more critical stuff

CPU Time in cycles = number of instructions * average clock cycles per instruction (CPI)

Runtime = (cycles)/(clock rate per second (ghz))

  1. What will be the value of a wire at one of the 5 stages in a multicycle datapath. (Based on the YouTube video with Muhammad). p. 318 in the book.(3rd edition).
  2. Improving performance (clock-cycle) problem. p. 247 in the book (3rd edition).
  3. Write some type of a function, with a user interface (in Mars) using all the function rules (store/load all the $s registers). An example of such a problem would be a function to find the largest number in a series. p.79 in the book for explanation of functions in MIPS and p. A-43 for an intro to syscalls (needed to create a user interface). More information on syscalls can be found in the Help (f1) section in the Mars program. When you open help, there is a tab there "syscalls".
  4. Represent a floating point number in a single or double precision floating point representation. Know the bit breakdown for single and double precision commands. (sign/exponent/significand)p. 191-197.
  5. Know how to express the following MIPS commands in binary notation: sw (store word), lw (load word), add, j (jump), beq/bne (branch if equal/not equal). And know how to read a binary set of 32 bits and be able to tell which of those 5 commands it performs. p.60-68
  6. Bits in a cache question. An example of this type of question that will be asked appears on p.479
  7. Locating a block in the cache question. An example of this type of question appears on p.480.
  8. Understand the difference and advantages/disadvantages of set-associative vs. fully-associative vs. direct mapped caches. p.497.
  9. Given one of the 5 commands that we have to know (sw, lw, add, j, beq) what will be the value of a wire at one of the 5 stages in a multicycle datapath. (Based on the YouTube video with Muhammad). p. 318 in the book.