Creating new Tomcat Contexts at JCT
The Manager page can be found here:
Replace the XX with your personal number.
- To create a new context (i.e. application) you must go to the manager page of Tomcat
and in the
"Install" section go to ->
- "Install directory or WAR file located on server" section
then, in the
"Context Path (optional):" put in the context name of your choice (eg. /iseproject59 )
Then in the
"WAR or Directory URL:" put the path of the actual directory where you created your hierarachy
starting with WEB-INF
(i.e. write something like "file:/usr/u/34stud/cohen/javaserver2" )
Remember: You must create the directory ~cohen/javaserver2, give the the right
permissions, and supply it with the WEB-INF directory and the web.xml file!
Then press "install" and then "start".
To view the application you must go to the
website (eg.
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