Linked Lists and C++

By Daniel Glucksman

What do we assume for those who read this?

- A basic background in C++

- You know what objects, classes, and pointers do on a very basic level 

-You’ve worked with arrays for a brief period of time and understand their operation

How is a class created?

Let’s say we want to create a class called cars; furthermore we want the class cars to contain objects called Toyota, Nissan, and Ford as illustrated below:


The basic code for creating this will look something like this

Class cars


int enginesize, wheellength;


Int main()


cars Nissan, Ford, Toyota;           //This creates the objects of class cars

return 0;



Explanation of above code:

“Class cars”

Here we are defining a class cars

int enginesize, wheellength;”

We are giving it the variables enginesize and wheellength both of type int.  Our objects of class cars Toyota, Nissan, Ford will each have different enginesize’s and wheellength’s which is true in real life.

cars Nissan, Ford, Toyota”;

Your class doesn’t actually exist before this line, you can’t call it from the main, but what you can do is create objects and then call those objects. We are now creating 3 objects for our class cars, which we call Nissan, Ford, and Toyota.

What’s the problem with above method of creating objects?

While it’s true we have created 3 objects successfully. There are two problems with this method of defining objects in the main:

1)  If we wanted to create a large amount of objects like 100,000 cars, it would take forever.

2) The objects are predefined whether we need them or not; in some cases we might only need 4 cars and in some 10,000 but the fact remains 100,000 are created every time and stored in memory(What a waste?)

What’s another way to create objects?

A better way to create an object is what’s called dynamic allocation or on the fly creation. In this method you only create an object when you need it. The code is written below:

Int main()



ptr=new cars;

return 0;



Explanation of above code:


This is where pointers come into play; here we are creating a pointer called ptr, which points to an object of the class cars. So in our case it either points to Toyota, Nissan, or Ford.

ptr=new cars;”

We are creating a new object of class car and while we don’t give it a name like Toyota, Ford, or Nissan, we instead store its location in memory in the pointer.

For example:  if we are creating the object Toyota we perform the following steps:

-          we create a new car

-          -store it’s memory location which we will say is 00212323 in the pointer called ptr

Now ptr knows where to find the object Toyota even though we have not called it Toyota.

What’s the problem with this method?

The problem with the above method is very simply the fact that you need a new pointer for every object you create otherwise the previous one get’s erased and you don’t know where to find it.

For example:  The following happen if we want to create another new car after Toyota such as Nissan using the code below:

ptr=new cars;              //This is Toyota

ptr=new cars               //this is Nissan

-The memory location we used to find Toyota 00212323 stored in the value will be overwritten with that of Nissan namely 00567687.

-Toyota will remain in memory even though we can’t access it

Obviously creating a new pointer each time will solve this but do you want to create 100,000 pointers?

How do we reconcile the above issue of creating 100,000 pointers?

The first way is to create an array of pointers. Each place in the array points to a different object of cars. 

-array[0] points to Toyota

-array[1] points to Nissan …….

The following is illustrated below:

The code for executing such as operation is written below

Int main()



ptr[i]=new cars;

return 0;


Explanation of above code:


-          Here we create an array called ptr(size 100) of pointers which each point to objects of the class cars(Nissan, Toyota, Ford)

-          So ptr[0] will point to Toyota and ptr[1] will point to Nissan…..

ptr[i]=new cars;”

Here we create a new car on the fly like before but this time we must store it in a place of the array , so “i” represents the index of the array.

 i” must progress, how would you accomplish this? Either using a loop or some other clever technique it’s up to you.

For example: 


Explanation of above code:  Here we have a loop which creates 100 objects each one stored in a place in the array from 0 to 99.

Summary:  So far we have explained the advantage of using an array to point to objects of a class. Let’s just recap the main points

·       By not using an array you either must predefined objects such as cars Nissan or create them dynamically using the new command but have a different pointer for each object created.

·       By using an array you can create objects on demand and use only one array  to store all of them

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using array?


·        Ability to store multiple objects

·        You can go straight to any point in the array by knowing its index. So if I want to access the 5th object I just go to ptr[5] or more correctly ptr[4] since an array  starts from 0.


·        An Array upon creation must be given a definite size, so in our case we decided it to be 100 spaces wide. If we wanted to create object 101 we could do this but we need to create a bigger array and then copy the first array into the new array which as you can guess is inefficient.

·        A new member of the array should be added to the last unused place of the array.


For example: If we already had 3 objects and wanted to add a 4th we should add it to position 4 of the array and while possible will be very inefficient to add it at position 2 and move everything over.


Example why it is bad to have to add things to the end of the array:  if you want to sort the array let’s say by lowest enginesize to highest enginesize, then each time you add a new object to the end you must sort it again moving everything over. 


For example:  if we are adding Nissan to the end of the list and it has the lowest engine size, then when we sort we have to put Nissan in the front of the list and move everything over which once again is inefficient.


Where do linked lists come into all this?

A linked list is another way to solve the issue above of having to create 100,000 pointers. The linked list just like an array has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. A good programmer should know when to use an array and when to use a linked list. Hopefully I will help you make this decision.

What is a linked list?

You should think of a linked list as being a list of objects in our case Toyota, Nissan, and Ford.  In addition to each one having an enginesize and wheellength variable, each one will also have a pointer which we’ll call nextobject.

Understanding what this pointer will do is the key to linked lists.

The code will look like this:

class cars



int enginesize, wheellength;


cars*nextobject;   //this is the key to linked lists


cars(int enginesize,int wheellength)


this enginesize->enginesize;

this wheellength->wheellength;




Explanation of above code:


We declared a pointer called nextobject to be a pointer to objects of the class cars. So in our case nextobject can either point to Nissan, Toyota, or Ford.

“cars(int enginesize,int wheellength)


this enginesize->enginesize;

this wheelength->wheellength;



This is a constructor function which intializes the values enginesize and wheelength with the values sent to this function by our other function which adds objects to the class cars as we will see later on.



What on earth does this nextobject pointer do?

The pointer nextobject exists within every object created. Its job is to point to the next object in the list more specifically it points to the next object’s memory address.

For example:  Toyota will point to Nissan and Nissan will point to Ford or to be more exact Toyota will point to the memory location of Nissan, Nissan will point to the memory location of Ford…..

The following idea is illustrated below:

Why would we want to point to the next object?

By knowing the first object in the list, in our case Toyota, we can find either Nissan or Ford or any other object that exists after it.

For example: Here is how we can find Ford by knowing the first object in the list, Toyota:

·        We start with Toyota and look at its “nextobject” value which contains the memory location to the object Nissan.

·        Then we look at Nissan’s “nextobject” which contains the memory location to the object Ford. 

What about Ford’s “nextobject” value it’s the last on the list?

For the last object on a linked list we have several options of what to do with its “nextobject” value.

-We can set it to 0 thereby telling the program it’s the last object in the list

-We can set it to the first object on the list making the list circular;

For example:  To make the list circular we will point Ford’s “nextobjectvalue  to the memory location of Toyota;

Remember that all the pointer “nextvalue” stores is the memory address of the next object in the list,  except for the last object which as discussed above has a unique value.

How do we get the last object in the list to equal this unique value?

First of all in the program we will write we are going to have the last object’s “nextobject” pointer value equal 0. To do this we must add a line to our cars class constructor function:

“cars(int enginesize,int wheellength)


this enginesize->enginesize;

this wheelength->wheellength;



Explanation of above code:



This line sets the nextobject value of every object created to 0 by default. Later if another object will be added we will change that nextobject value of the previous object to point to the memory location of the new one. This line guarantees that the last object’s “nextobject” value will equal 0;


What are the advantages and disadvantages to linked lists.


·        You can add an infinite number of objects to the list, you just keep linking them

·        You can add an object anywhere in the list

For example you can add a 3rd object between objects one and two. In our case you can add Ford between Toyota and Nissan. We discussed some of the implications of this above.


·        You can’t jump to a certain object in the list like you can in an array. Instead you must start from the beginning and find your way through the list via the “nextobject” pointers.

Ok now that we understand what linked lists are in there most basic form we can talk about how we would create this list. In the next part we will write a function which creates a linked list and adds objects to it (Toyota, Nissan, and Ford).


Creating a Linked List

Conceptually how do we create a linked list?

There are two considerations which must be taken into account before we start to write our function and they are listed below:

·        In a linked list we find any object by starting with the first object and finding our way to the rest. That said we must always know the first object in the list. We are going to create a pointer called “head” which keeps track of this first object.


·        To add an item to the list we have to set the previous object’s “nextobject” value to the new object we create.

For example:  if we create Nissan we must set Toyota’s “nextobject” value to equal the location in memory of Nissan.

How do we actually write our linked list add function?

The first two lines of code we need in our function are:


Temp=new cars;

Explanation of above code:


 Basically here we are creating a new pointer called temp, which will be used to point to the memory location of objects in the class cars such as Toyota, Nissan, or Ford.

“Temp=new cars;”

Here we are creating a new object of class cars (which in our first case is Toyota), and storing its memory location in the pointer called temp. As you can imagine each time we run the function we want to create a new object so that is what this line does.

Now we need a way to link the previous object’s “nextobject” value with the new object we just created. To do this we need to find the last object in the list, How do we find the last object? by starting from the beginning and finding our way through the list of objects until we find the object who’s “nextobject” value equals 0 which means there is no next object after that one, so it’s the last one.

Please examine carefully the code below:









Explanation of above code:


We create a pointer called head which points to objects of the class cars such as toyota, nissan and ford. This pointer should always point to the first object in the list.


Here we create another new pointer which we call temp2, which will be used to point to objects of the class cars such as Toyota, Nissan, or Ford. This pointer will be used to store the memory address of the last object in our current list. Remember this does not include the new object we just created, we never linked it.


We initialize Temp2 to equal the memory location of the first object in the list which is what the pointer “head” points to. Temp2 will start from the first object and progress until it finds the last object;


This while loop will only quit when the current object’s “nextobject” value is equal to 0 meaning it’s the last object in the list.


Starting from the first object called “head” this line of code progresses the pointer Temp2 through the list till it reaches the end.


This is a key line; it sets the last object in the list’s “nextobject” value equal to the new object we created, making this a linked list.

How do we get head to point to the first object in the list(Toyota)?

We can accomplish this by writing an if statement such as that below:





Explanation of above code:


When does head=0? Only when the list is empty. So we are checking if the list is empty.


Here we set head to point to the first object we created. Remember this line of code only executes when the list is empty.

How do we prevent double entries to the list?

Let’s say we added a variable called serialnumber, and each time we created a new car we assigned it a value. Now we know that no two cars have the same serial number, so we may want to prevent duplicate entries by writing the following code:

if (temp2->serialnumber==serialnumber)   //if duplicate exists


delete temp;

cout<<"already exists"<<endl;




Explanation of above code:


if (temp2->serialnumber==serialnumber)”


This line of code checks if the serial number of the current object is equal to the serial number of the new object we just created. Obviously this line will be placed within our while loop so it will check every object from beginning to end.


“delete temp;”

cout<<"already exists"<<endl;


Here we are deleting the new object from memory and letting the user know that their object already exists.


However we also need to add this exact if statement a second time after the while loop ends. The reason is that the while loop progresses to the last object, it quits before actually checking if that last object is a duplicate. By adding the If statement following the while loop we are checking that last object.


How does the code look put together?

class cars



      int wheellength, enginesize;

      cars*nextobject;  //link list pointers


      //constructor function

      cars(int enginesize, int wheelength)







void add(int enginesize,int wheellength)


//creates a new object of the class cars and sends the enginesize and wheellength values which it gets from the user.It stores this value in the pointer temp

temp=new cars(enginesize, wheellength);


if (head==0)                //Check if this is the first object






else if (head!=0)       //Checks if this is not the first object







                  if (temp2->serialnumber==serialnumber)//if duplicate exists


                        cout<<"already exists"<<endl;

                        delete temp;







            }//end of while


if (temp2->serialnumber==serialnumber)   //if duplicate exists on last time


      cout<<"already exists"<<endl;

      delete temp;






}//end of else if


}//end of function

Deleting from a linked list


Conceptually how do we delete from a linked list?

There are four considerations we must take into account before writing our delete function

1) If we delete the first item of a list, we must change the value of head to the next object in the list.

2) If we delete the last item in the list we must set the nextobject value of the previous object to 0

3) If we delete the first item of a list and it is also the only item in the list, we must set head equal to 0

4) If we delete an object from anywhere else in a list, we have to set the previous object’s “nextobject” value to point to the object following the one we want to delete.

How do we actually write our linked list delete function?

In our function we are going to delete an object based on a search criterion, so first we have to check a certain variable of every single object from beginning to end and if it matches our seachterm we execute the delete procedure. In this program we are going to check enginesize:



Cout<<”list is empty”








            If(head==temp2&&temp2->enginesize==searchterm)   //Scenario 1





            Delete Temp;


Else If(temp2- >nextobject->enginesize==searchterm)




Delete temp;

If (temp2->nextobject!=0) //last case deleted scenrio#2







If(head==temp2&&temp2->enginesize==searchterm)//scenario 3


Delete temp2;






Explanation of above code:



cout<<”list is empty”


Here we check if the list is empty, if it is there is nothing to delete and we want to tell the user.


We initialize Temp2 to point to the memory location of the first object in the list


Just as before, we progress through the list until we reach the object whose “nextobject” value is equal to 0, meaning it’s the end of the list.


This line takes into account our first scenario where we are deleting the first item in the list and there are other items following it. We are saying if the current object we are checking is the first object in the list and its enginesize is equal to our search term then


Change the value head to the next object in the list, since we will delete the current first object.


We assign a new pointer called Temp, to point to the same location as Temp2. The reasoning is because we need to both progress Temp2 to check the next object and also delete it. With just one variable if we delete Temp2 we can’t progress it since it doesn’t exist, and if we progress it first, then we don’t know what to delete.


We progress Temp2 to the next object, so we can check it

Delete Temp;

Here we delete the object.

“Else If(temp2- >nextobject->enginesize==searchterm)”

We are checking if the next object in the list’s enginesize is equal to our search term. This statement will never check the first object in the list which is ok, since we have our first if statement checking that. It will also check the last object, so we don’t need to write another if statement to do this following the while loop like before.


We are assigning Temp to point to the object we want to delete which is going to be the next object after temp2, since our search statement is checking the next object and not the current one.


This sets the previous object’s Temp2, nextobject value to equal that of the object following the one we want to delete.

“Delete temp;”

This deletes our object from memory

“If (temp2->nextobject!=0)“


This line takes into account scenario 2 when we are deleting the last object from the list, this makes sure we only progress Temp2 if it’s not the last object because if it is the last object then Temp2 “next object” based on the code will be set to 0. Therefore progressing Temp2 to equal Temp2 “next object” will causes Temp2 to equal 0

When we get to the while loop the program will crash because there will be no temp2->nextobject since temp2 will equal 0. Instead we leave Temp2 as the last object before the deleted one and check that “nextobject” value which will equal 0 and the while loop will fail.



This takes into account scenario 3 where the first and only object is being deleted


“Delete temp2;”


We just delete the current object




We set head to 0, to indicate the list is empty


Printing our list


Conceptually how do we print out our linked list?

First we have to decide which information to print out for each object. Do we want to print out only the enginesize? Or maybe also the wheellength?

After this is decided we must write code which loops through the entire list from beginning to end printing each item

How do we actually write our linked list print function?



Cout<<”list is empty”






while (temp2->next!=0)


Cout<<enginesize;   //whatever else you want to include put here



Cout<<enginesize;   //whatever else you want to include put here


Explanation of above code:



We check if the list is empty

while (temp2->next!=0)”

We go through the entire list, but remember we don’t check the last entry so must include another “Cout” following the while loop

Adding a previous pointer to each object

We may want to add a “previousobject” pointer so each object always know the object before it, and the first object’s p”reviousobject” pointer has a value of 0 or points to the last item in a list in a circular list.

How do we intialize this pointer?

We start by declaring our pointer within the class cars


We also want to intalize it’s value to 0, so we add to our constructor function the following line


Conceptually how do we create this pointer?

Whenever we add a new item to the list , we need to set its “previousobject” value equal to the previous object. We have a special case, when we create the first object, we have to leave the previous objects value equal to 0

Whenever we delete an item from the list, we need to set the “previousobject” value of the object following the deleted object to the object before the deleted one. However there are some exceptions

1) When we delete the first object in a list and it is the only object in the list, we don’t need to do anything

2) When we delete the first object in a list and there are other objects, we have to set the “previousobject” value of the object following the deleted one to 0.

3) When we delete the last object in the list, we have to do nothing.

How do we actually code this pointer operation for adding?

We will be adding onto the code we wrote before

First to the add function we have to add the following lines:

void add(int enginesize,int wheellength)


//creates a new object of the class cars and sends the enginesize and wheellength values which it gets from the user.It stores this value in the pointer temp

temp=new cars(enginesize, wheellength);


if (head==0)                //Check if this is the first object






else if (head!=0)       //Checks if this is not the first object







                  if (temp2->serialnumber==serialnumber)//if duplicate exists


                        cout<<"already exists"<<endl;

                        delete temp;






            }//end of while


if (temp2->serialnumber==serialnumber)   //if duplicate exists on last time


      cout<<"already exists"<<endl;

      delete temp;






}//end of else if


}//end of function

Explanation of above code:




This sets the “previousobject” value of the newly created object to that of the one before. Remember this line doesn’t execute when you create the first object


How do we actually code this pointer operation for deleting?



Cout<<”list is empty”








            If(head==temp2&&temp2->enginesize==searchterm)   //Scenario 1



            Head->previousobject=0;                        // scenario 2



            Delete Temp;


Else If(temp2- >nextobject->enginesize==searchterm)




Delete temp;

If (temp2->nextobject!=0) //last case deleted scenrio#2


Temp2->next->previous=Temp2   //scenario 3








If(head==temp2&&temp2->enginesize==searchterm)//scenario 3


Delete temp2;






Explanation of above code:




This takes into account scenario 2 when the first object is being deleted and there are other objects that follow, we need to progress head, and then set the “previousobject” value of that new object equal to 0, since it is now first.


This line sets the “previousobject” of value of the one following the deleted one to the one before it.

Scenario 3 which is when we are deleting the last it taken into account by being place in our if statement insuring that this operation is only performed when it’s not the last one.

Keeping track of the last object in a list

It may be useful to keep track of the last object in the list with a pointer called last, how would we keep track of the last object?

Conceptually how do we use this pointer?

Everytime we create a newobject that is the last one in the list, so in our add function we will have a line


The problem is when we delete the last object in the list, we need to update last to be the one before. We can solve this with an else statement such as this



In addition if we delete the first and only object, we need to set last equal to 0. The following line place within our add function will suffice


How do we actually code this for deleting?



Cout<<”list is empty”








            If(head==temp2&&temp2->enginesize==searchterm)   //Scenario 1






            Delete Temp;


Else If(temp2- >nextobject->enginesize==searchterm)




Delete temp;

If (temp2->nextobject!=0) //last case deleted scenrio#2
















Delete temp2;






Explanation of above code:


“Else {Last=temp2};”

This line of code says if the last term is being deleted then set last to point to the one before the deleted object.



This says if the first and only object is being deleted then set last equal to 0;


Summary: so now we have previous pointers in each object and a last pointer to keep track of the last object in the list. What operations can we perfrom with this?


Printing the list backwards


How do we print backwards conceptually?


We want to start at the end of the list and follow the previous links till we get to when previousobject=0 which means it’s the end of the list.


How do we code this?





Cout<<”list is empty”<<endl;












Explanation of above code:




We want to start from the back of the list





We start from the end of the list and keep progressing till we find the previousobject is equal to 0, which means we’re at the end of the list, however the loop quits before we actually print to the screen the last object.