Introduction to Computer Science - C++
Review Topics
For the Final Exam you should know the following Topics:
- Creating Functions and Using them. Know what the function prototype
is, the function definition and the function call. You should be able
to write a function with any parameters I ask for and with what return values
I ask for. Given a problem, you should be able to decide for yourself
what functions you might need and what parameters they will need, etc.
You should also be able to overload a function and provide default variables.
For help with this topic see chapter 3 of How to Program C++ and
do exercises 3.18, 3.21, 3.31, 3.41, 3.48
- Creating Arrays. Know how to create an array of ints, chars, floats, etc.
Be able to create one, two and three dimensional arrays and know how to
access and
change their elements.
For help with this topic see chapter 4 of How to Program C++ and
do exercises 4.10, 4.15 (already assigned) , 4.22
- Searching arrays. You should be able to search an array by writing a linear
search for an unordered (unsorted) array and a binary search for an ordered
You should be able to find any element in an array and know its value and
location in the array. You should be able to do this for both one and two
dimensional arrays.
For help with this topic see chapter 4 also of How to Program C++ and
do exercises 4.33 (linear search), 4.34 (binary search)
- Sorting arrays. You should be able to sort an array of ints , floats, chars, strings, etc. by using the bubble sort algorithm or the select sort
For help with this topic see chapter 5.6 also of How to Program C++
for bubble sort.
- String Manipulation. You should be able to copy strings one from the other(strcpy). You should know how to compare strings to see which one would appear
earlier in a dictionary or phone book. (strcmp)
You should know how to combine two strings into one longer string by
appending one string to the other one's end. (strcat) You should be able to find a smaller set of letters within a larger string and return 1 if it is found.
In general you should be able to write any function which deals with strings
like finding things in strings, copying things from strings, reversing the order of strings, capitalizing letters in strings, shuffling up strings.
For help with this topic see chapter 5 of How to Program C++ and
do exercises 5.31, 5.32, 5.33, 5.36, 5.38 (already assigned).
© Nachum Danzig January 2006