Chapter 9 1.const pointers 2. pointers and arrays 3. void pointers 4. static variables 5. using sizeof 6. pointers to functions 7. dynamic memory allocation 8. pointers to pointers 9. passing paramets to the main() function using argv etc. 10. linked lists 11. function overloading 12. passing a 2 dimentional array as a parameter 13. functions with default values 14. functions that return references 15. functions with an undetermined number of parameters 16. common errors when passing parameters 17. enumeration type 18. preprocessor directives like define and macros 1. const pointers A. Fixing the size of the area pointed to. ex. const char* string = "abcdefg"; once this has been so defined, the following command is illegal: string[0] = 'b'; and also its equivalent: *string = 'b'; this is because string is permanently assigned the value abcdefg. it is possible to change the value of the pointer (pointer manipulation): string++; This tool is useful when we want to not change a the values of a specific area. B. Fixing the value of the pointer. ex. char* const string = "abcdef"; here "string" always point to the beginning of the array, 'a' in this case. once this has been so defined, the following command is _legal_: string[0] = 'b'; and also its equivalent is legal: *string = 'b'; But now it is illegal to change the pointer's value: string++; This is used when we want a pointer to always point at the same memory spot. i.e. we do not want to change the value of the pointer. C. Fixing the value of the pointer and of the area pointed to. const char* const string = "abcdefg"; once this has been so defined, the following command is illegal: string[0] = 'b'; and also its equivalent: *string = 'b'; it is also illegal to change the pointer's value: string++; This is used, obviously, when we do not want to change the value of the pointer nor change the values of the specific area pointed to. 2. pointers and arrays when we define an array, the name of the array is a const pointer, as we have discussed(B.). In the following example, compare and contrast the address of an array, and the address of a pointer. (in the example, the pointer points also to the same array!) #include main() { int v[10]; cout < main() { int Ar[3]={1,2,3}, *ArPtr; ArPtr=Ar;//ArPtr gets the address of the first element of array Ar ArPtr++;//now ArPtr has the address of the second element of array Ar cout << "Ar[0] is: "< void ErrorMsg (char * msg) { cout << msg << endl; } void (*funptr)(char*); // pointer to function main() { funptr=&ErrorMsg;// funptr points to Error (*funptr)("Error"); //call ErrorMsg through funptr funptr=ErrorMsg; // equiv. to : funptr=&ErrorMsg funptr("Error"); //equiv. to : (*funptr)("Error") } key points: we created a pointer to to a function with the name funptr. void (*funptr)(char*); this pointer can only point at a function which returns void and takes-in one parameter of type char*. 2. in this line funptr=&ErrorMsg; the pointer funptr takes-in the address of the function ErrorMsg. 3. this line: (*funptr)("Error"); is a call to the function ErrorMsg by means of the pointer funptr. 4. the command funptr=ErrorMsg is euiv. to funptr=&ErrorMsg; 5. calling the function by funptr("Error"); is the same as (*funptr)("Error"). ex. char f1(char*); int f2(char*); char f3(float); char (*funptr)(char*); void f() { funptr=&f1;//ok funptr=&f2;//error, bad return type funptr=&f3;//error, bad argument type (*funptr)("ErrorMessage");//ok (*funptr)(100);// error,bad argument type } It is possible to create an array of pointers to functions in the following way: //Assigns the symbol FP to the function type definition typedef void (*FP)(); FP edit[]={&Undo, &Redo, &Cut, &Copy}; FP *Button = edit; (*Button[2])();// call cut function line 1: Declare a new type "FP". Using this type we can declare variables which point to a function that returns void but does not receive any parameters. line 2: the variable edit is the name of an array of pointers to functions of the type FP. The first element of the array will contain a pointer to the function Undo, the second element will contain a pointer to the function Redo, etc. line 3: Creates a function pointer with the name Button, which will get the address of the array edit. line 4: call to the function Cut by means of the third pointer in the array edit. 7. Dynamic Memory allocation Until till now we dealt with two types of variables: static objects and automatic objects. The life span and the scope of recognition of static objects (variables) is the same as the lifespan of the program. The area of memory allocated to the object is in the data segment. The life span and the scope of recognition of automatic objects starts at the time of its declaration and ends with the closure of the block in which it is declared. The area of memory allocated to the object is in the stack segment. There is a third type of variable which we can declare. These exist from when it was defined until it is "freed". The area of memory allocated to the object is in the heap. We declare this type of object with the command "new". New allocates an area of memory for the object. "Delete" frees the memory which was allocated for the object. Suppose we have a pointer type *pointer; At this stage we have a variable capable of pointing to an object of type "type". (But, the pointer still has no value). Following is format of operator "new": pointer = new pointer_type; This does two things: allocate space in memory (using the operating system) and , giving a value (the address that was assigned) to the variable pointer. Following is format of operator "delete": delete pointer; We can order space for an array of N elements of typy "type": type *variable-name=new type [N]; the pointer var will point to this array. --------------------------------------------------------- 10. Linked Lists A Linked Lists is a group of objects linked together such that the head of the list points to the first object in the list, and within the first object there is a pointer to the second object. Within the second object is a pointer to the third object, and so on. Until we reach the last object, which points to NULL. Adding data (objects) to the list is done via dynamic memory allocation. Example: In the example on page 13 one can see the basic techniques of linked lists. (It is not neccessarilly an elegant or useful program.) #include struct car //declare a struct with 2 fields: model and // a pointer to a struct { char model[10]; car *next; }; void main() { car *head = NULL; //define 3 pointers to our struct and assigning car *temp=NULL, *last=NULL;//them initial values. head = new car;// requesting space for a variable "head" cout<<"model: "<>head -> model;//inputting datum for head's model. //since head is a pointer to a struct, the reference to its fields is done //via "->". this is the standard way to access fields. head -> next = NULL;//zeroing out the pointer field temp = new car; cout <<"model: "<> (*temp).model; //equiv. to cin>>temp -> model; (*temp).next = NULL; head -> next = temp;//linking two structs. the pointer field of head gets //the value of the pointer temp. temp -> next = new(car);//request a new struct in the middle of linking. // this request is done for the field "next" of the previous //element in the list. cout <<"model: "<> temp -> next ->model;//it is possible to access a field which is pointed // to by another field. If we would have put line 23 before this line, we // could have avoided this clumsiness. temp ->next -> next = NULL; /*line 23*/last = temp -> next; cout << (*head).model < model < next;// we advance temp, this advances us along our linked list cout << temp -> model <